Living in Ghana most of my life, I grew up with the belief that living abroad is the best thing that could ever happen to me. Why? Well, with the high unemployment rate of graduates, coupled with low salaries that keep most employees in debt irrespective of their qualifications, who wouldn't believe? I grew up in a family where those abroad were treated with more respect than the local relatives, oh yes, my parents included. So when my father got the opportunity to travel abroad, I also began to dream. Attitudes changed towards me and then finally my mother also got the opportunity to travel. Now I knew I had certainly hit the jackpot: Very soon I was going to bid Ghana goodbye and say hello to 'Greener Pastures' and I just couldn't wait for the day.
Luckily for me I got my first taste of living abroad at a very young age: 15. I went to visit my parents and was I in for the first ever Reality jolt! Let me just say I realized that living abroad wasn't all that it was painted to be. The weather was the first jolt, followed by the culture. I went back home a reformed soul with the full intention to study real hard and of course still move abroad. Oh yes, living abroad was still a solid dream especially after I tasted from the well of unemployment and being underpaid after my first degree. Not to mention the threat of being fired constantly held over my head. After all, I was even lucky to have a job right? Consequently, my desire to further my education got me searching for scholarships abroad. Of course, it was difficult getting a scholarship to further education in Ghana and being underpaid, I calculated about 5 years of savings to be able to afford a second degree since learning on a loan was too much of a big risk : High Unemployment Rate remember? And that was if I wasn't fired first.
Fortunately, I got a scholarship to study in Sweden and it has been one of the most rewarding days of my life: Yes, the application was tough; after all, nothing worth having comes easy right? So I am currently in Sweden and making plans to return home to still face Unemployment and being Underpaid. WHY? My family and friends are all asking me: 'Why are you coming back home?' It was not surprising to hear family members sound disappointed that I was returning home and colleagues baffled. Truth be told, the decision surprised me as well. Apparently, my international education has opened my mind up to the different challenges of every economy. And I also realized that earning more Money is not a very strong motivation for me to stay abroad when my knowledge and expertise is needed back home. I know it is tough to get a satisfying job, but now more than ever, I am willing to risk it.
My personality simply does not allow me to find true satisfaction in living abroad despite the better systems and higher standards of living compared to my home country. Yes, I could do better (money-wise) here, yes I could stay here and work for some capital before returning home, yes there are so many opportunities and irrespective of the kind of work, the money is always and definitely better and heavier than back home.
However, I am coming back home and I am thrilled. I have been applying for internships and jobs here since last year October, and I haven't been successful mostly due to my immigration status. The reality is, there are graduates here too and of course they also search for jobs and unlike back home, the native is going to be considered first. I do not begrudge that, it is perfectly reasonable and I respect that. I always pass the assessments tests, however, I have not once made it to the interview stage. Now I face the risk of Unemployment as well even if I stay here. I have made connections, however practically still a foreigner. It is more difficult to get absorbed into the job market not to mention the language barrier. Best scenario, compromise my intellectual capacity and educational qualifications while taking up jobs where they will not be needed whatsoever or applied minimally. I am also not prepared to live illegally anywhere, thank you very much!
I believe I have a lot to offer and I will prefer to compromise my intellectual capacity and educational qualifications back home without having to endure this high degree of foreignness for the sake of 'Greener Pastures'. I look back and appreciate the life I lived at home in a society where I am always welcome and life was simple even while underpaid. Though it is not the best of conditions, Home is where my potential is fully realized, officially, socially, and spiritually. I believe I am not ready to give up on Ghana yet. And I believe this is just the first step towards something great and very rewarding.
I believe in myself as a Ghanaian, I pledge my services as a future 'intrapreneur', a very valuable employee, and a very patriotic citizen of Ghana. If this country and its systems are going to improve, I know I have to be there to contribute to the economy. Still think I am losing the opportunity of a lifetime by returning home? Let me know what you think.
