A LETTER TO MY ROOMMATE Grace Asabea Owusu Dear Grace, Finally I gathered the courage to write to you after a whole year! How time flies. You have been in my testimonies and I have shared you with a few people who came my way. However, permit me to share you with the world. Remember the time we had a discussion about life after school? The way you were so excited about National Service, getting employed and finally getting hitched to your sweetheart *wink*. Well, life after school came. You were there for National Service. I don’t think I will ever forget how desperately you wanted a reposting. Perhaps, if it had gone through I will not be writing this letter. I am not going to blame the National Service Secretariat for your decision to ‘travel’, at least not in this letter *smile*; I have done that a thousand times already. Perhaps if thoughts could kill believe me, half of their staff would not be found now *giggle*. So during National Service, I called you a ...