Grace Asabea Owusu

Dear Grace,

Finally I gathered the courage to write to you after a whole year! How time flies. You have been in my testimonies and I have shared you with a few people who came my way. However, permit me to share you with the world.

Remember the time we had a discussion about life after school? The way you were so excited about National Service, getting employed and finally getting hitched to your sweetheart *wink*.

Well, life after school came. You were there for National Service. I don’t think I will ever forget how desperately you wanted a reposting. Perhaps, if it had gone through I will not be writing this letter. I am not going to blame the National Service Secretariat for your decision to ‘travel’, at least not in this letter *smile*; I have done that a thousand times already. Perhaps if thoughts could kill believe me, half of their staff would not be found now *giggle*.

So during National Service, I called you a few times *sigh*. Maybe I should have called monthly or even weekly; we had the occasional chat on Whatsapp where I mostly initiated a chat just to tease you about your sweetheart on your display picture (dp) *giggle*. 

Do you remember the day I called you to inform you about GHAMSU? After that break up, you were so encouraging. That was after you got over the shock of course *smile*.

Anyway Grace, there are some things I never told you before your journey; not that I didn’t have the opportunity. It’s just that I made an error in thinking that there was more time. 

More time to tell you how much I admired you. You were so graceful, kind, and open. I admired how you always had devotions before you got out of bed, ALWAYS! My prayerful Grace; your musical laughter could tickle even the angriest of persons. Your self-control was something I wished for myself.
'Inner Beauty, Beautiful soul, Warm Smile'
You had an inner beauty; a gentle and quiet spirit; a beautiful soul.

You were a very good listener too. I am guessing you are surprised about all the stuff I am saying, (yeah yeah, I was a bit closed to you) and not a single day goes by that I wish I had done things differently. I wish I never shouted at you when you used my kettle and took it to the bathroom; that I didn’t get so mad whenever you used my bucket and left your sponge in it; I wish I had never been cold to you when you first moved in (in my defense, I had gotten used to having the room all to myself) *sad face*. I wish I had not complained so much. I wish I had given us the chance to be more than just roommates. Oh the anguish in my heart when memories of the few times I opened up to you flash before my eyes.

Like the time we ate the 'banku' (local dish in Ghana) that GHAMSU bought me; the time that I downloaded the Period calendar for you; the time that we made ribbons for Renie’s (my level 100 roomie) birthday; the day that we discussed boys; the day that we made doughnuts kind courtesy of our inner roommate, Mavis; the day that we shared family secrets where I found out we were both from Konongo and we shared the same surname; the time you tried teaching me how to put on simple make up and the day that we planned to visit Mavis.

That day! I remember the chat started on whatsapp and I called you immediately you mentioned that I should be ready to be an auntie because Mavis was with child and expecting after service. That was the longest conversation we had on phone and I remember that I intermittently asked if you were sure you were alright and you said you were. 

We planned to meet in two weeks, since service would have ended and you would have returned from the North by then so that we buy diapers and go visit Mavis. I never even went to see where you lived though you showed me pictures. I never called you after that conversation *regretful*. And when the two weeks were up, I had it in mind to call you after I got home from a clean-up exercise at church. 

To my surprise, on my way to church, in the troski I received a call from Mavis. I thought you had informed her about our visit so I didn’t pick up. But she kept calling and calling so I had no option than to answer *chills*. And I wished I hadn’t.

So I picked up her call and the first question she asked was ‘Agyeiwaa, w’ate s3 Grace awu?’(Agyeiwaa have you heard that Grace is dead? Guess what I did? I laughed.

And then I asked, “Mavis, wose s3n? Asem b3n na wooka no saa no?” (Mavis what did you just say? What are you talking about?)

I just couldn’t believe her *shocked*. I told her about how I had spoken to you and that we had planned to visit her and how I was scheduled to call you later in the day and right now, narrating it to you, it was a little bit funny the way I kept telling her, “Mavis woboa” (Mavis you are lying) *denial*.

I actually got mad at her, can you believe it? Well, let’s just say I called you and you didn’t pick up. And I crazily hoped Mavis was joking or something. It was at that very moment that I wished that I had been a better roommate. I was guilt-ridden for over 3 months. And it didn’t help that we shared the same birth month. It still doesn’t *sigh*.

So Roomie, I want to apologize for all the times I was unkind and difficult. I am Sorry that we were just roommates. I am Sorry that you had to go first. I am just Sorry and I miss you, Grace. You touched my life in a way no one else could ever do.

Before I sign out, Whatsapp now has a Call feature and Facebook (your favourite place) has some new reaction buttons (like, love, haha, wow, sad) and I am sure you would have used ‘haha’ and ‘wow’ most often. And just so you know, I get in touch with your sweetheart from time to time and he is making you proud.

I am working now and I have a blog; I have my morning devotions, well not always but let’s just say, more often than when we were on campus. Thank you for that. Oh, and don’t hold your breath ‘DUMSOR’ has gotten worse *lol*.

Elections were moved forward from 7th December to 7th November and then back to 7th December (I know right, indecision is a disease). Afari Gyan is no longer EC Chairman, Mrs. Charlotte Osei is. A lot of other things are happening but I will leave that for my readers to fill you in, in the comments.

Mavis and her daughter whom she named after you (her name is Grace) say ‘hello’, Joseph Yamoah misses you so much, and your family and friends (UCF, GHAFES, Others) extend their greetings.

Finally, a very touching message from your sweetheart (Joseph Yamoah),
Grace with her Sweetheart at Graduation

“I am speechless. It has been a year and I still can't write a tribute not because I am lazy but I wouldn't know where to start. Thanks so much for this, (Agyeiwaa) and Grace’s life touched me in a very special way. I thank God for bringing her my way and she will forever remain in my heart.”

So Grace, even though you are not here with us anymore, you are still loved and appreciated. You left your mark Adjoa, your mark of gentle wisdom and you will still live on in our hearts.

I hope you are happy and at peace wherever you are!

Your Roommate,


'Grace during National Service in the North'



  1. Wow this really touched me, it's very hard to lose a loved one. I almost cried in the midst of my friends after reading this letter to your roommate, I would have cried if I had read it in my room alone. Guys are really tough but we can't control our emotions when we hear this kind of information, the tears just flow down from our eyes. I just hope she is happy in the Lord's arms in heaven. It's not easy to have this kind of friend in this life. I wish you the best Agyeiwaa,keep it up with your work.

    1. Oh Perry! Hmmm, thank you so much for your sentiments.

  2. Touching ... Grace just had good heart. I remember how she got me a phone to use when my phone was spolit. We had just met because I came to visit in your room . May God keep you in his bossom Grace

  3. Touching ... Grace just had good heart. I remember how she got me a phone to use when my phone was spolit. We had just met because I came to visit in your room . May God keep you in his bossom Grace

  4. Very touching. My eyes are heavy with tears. I remember how she used to come to my room to microwave her food and we would use that time to talk about our courses. Your letter has brought tears to my eyes this morning. May your soul rest in perfect peace Grace.


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