What is life? 

Life is a pattern that is carefully designed to bring out an authentic creation.

It is a continuous cycle that never stops; an intentional way of doing things over a long period of time; an already made puzzle where you are the piece that fits in perfectly or maybe not; it is a never ending maze where you meet other wanderers and yet have to find your own way out. 

Life is like a series of events that are happening at the same time and you have the option to watch it all happen or participate in one and get the chance to enjoy it.

Life is a dictator; it chooses your parents, siblings, and your family lineage. It has control over the country, tribe, region, class of society and even your sex as a human being. Like I mentioned, it was an already made puzzle where you just have to fit in perfectly. So you are trying to.

The paradox is that life does not give you an identity; you make an identity for yourself. And that is when you can have a life that someone can refer to.  
Everyone’s life is unique. 
Life gives you the opportunity to grow, learn, and, discover who you are meant to be not who you are. 
Believe me, who you are meant to be is your real identity. Until you defy life and the supposed confinements you are thrown into, and reach within your soul to find who you are meant to be, you will live and yet have no story to tell. 

Life as a pattern keeps going round and coming back to you because at every point in time there is a lesson that must be learned. So when life throws a challenge at you, where you have to deal with and learn your lesson and you do not, it goes and comes back until you learn the lesson. 
As the saying goes, ‘Life is a classroom where lessons never come to an end’.
Until you learn the lesson life wants to teach you, you create and recreate a pattern that stays as a part of your life until you change how you approach the challenge. 

Lou Holtz was right when he said that “Life is ten (10%) what happens to you and ninety (90%) how you respond to it.”

Life is so broad, wide and deep and yet can be brought to an abrupt end. 
Life is SHORT
Simply put, Life is short. 
However, you can live it to the fullest. 

Life is like a wheel, it moves forward as it turns but unlike the wheel, life cannot reverse its turn. It is like a snow ball rolling off a mountain during winter. Starts off very slow, gathers speed and momentum as it rolls by, gets bigger and more powerful as it nears the bottom, scattering any obstacles in its way and leaving a smooth trail in its wake  and then….Boom!  It’s gone.

Life is an adventure; it can be magical and full of mysteries.  A journey of so many turns including a U-Turn but alas one of no return. It is a quest for identity and belonging. 
Life is a great struggle. But Alas!

Life is what you make it, how you make it; don’t forget to enjoy how you make it and definitely have fun while you make it despite the fear of the unknown a.k.a the Future.

Life is all there is; when you have life, cherish it, hold on for as long as you can and when the time comes for you to lose, I pray you lose it with no regrets.

Life is a lot of things but note that at every point in time only two things matter: Having Life and living it!


  1. Well done in starting your own blog. Now you're living your life. Great piece. Expecting more

    1. Thank you Richard.
      More on the way.
      Keep watching this space!
      Dont forget to share!

  2. Wow.. Nice piece, is your blog going to be about poetry?

    1. Thank you ....
      Mostly Yes and a few quotes thrown in from time to time.
      Some other forms of writing that basically Inspire others to read more, not just on my blog but every where.


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